Lupin is a high quality protein source and a healthy and sustainable meat substitute.
Growing white lupin beans is new in Holland.
In the TV-program
BinnensteBuiten, chef Alain Caron joins the harvest and creates a delicious lupin soup.
Are you interested to include organic lupin in your professional kitchen or shop, please contact us at
What do Lupin beans look like?
Uncooked beans of white and blue lupin full size
You can easely cook with white lupin beans: the bean is tasty and has a soft shell.
The bean of the blue lupin is smaller and has a tough rind. These beans are being processed to flour that is used in bread, pastries and meat substitutes.
What does lupin taste like?
Lupin beans comes close to the taste of chick peas and broad beans. They are less mealy than other beans, the bite is firm. With a little salt and herbs (for example, cayenne pepper and parsley) the cooked lupin bean is a good snack.
Why is lupin healthy?
Lupin contains a lot of protein, is rich in calcium, magnesium and iron, is full of dietary fiber and contains little fat. Lupin beans contain all the essential amino acids. Research conducted in Australia and Belgium shows that lupin
lowers cholesterol and blood pressure and
improves the intestinal function.
The nutritional value of lupin (Lupin albus, unprepared) per 100 grams is:
Energie 313 kcal
Protein 36.2 grams
Fiber 40.4 grams
Fat 9.7 grams
Is lupin a good source of protein for athletes?
Yes, lupin beans contain a large amount protein of the right composition. Lupin contains all the essential amino acids, that means that the beans contain all the protein-parts your body has to derive from food. In addition, this protein is easily digested, the beans do not contain anti-nutrients.
Can lupin help to lose weight?
Sure.In Australia where most lupin is grown, the health effects are also widely researched. It identified that eating lupin at breakfast, gives a saturated feeling for lupin contains plenty of fiber. People eat less between meals and at lunch. After a year the difference in weight proved to still exist. A lupin smoothie for breakfast or lunch is an easy way to lose weight. Check out our recipes for possibilities.
Does one eat lupin with or without the skin?
You can eat the lupin beans with skin, the skin also contains important nutrients. If you have a lot of patience and you want to refine the taste of your recipes a little more, you can also remove the skin after cooking the beans.
I grow lupin in my garden, can I eat them?
No, the pods of the garden plants are bitter in taste and all parts of this plant are more or less toxic. Lupin is a genus of the legume family and one of the most colourful border plants there is. The flowers range in color from blue, purple, pink, yellow, brown and red.
Can one be allergic to lupin?
Yes, people who are allergic to peanuts, can also be allergic to lupin, but this does not have to be the case.
Is lupin grown in Holland?
The cultivation of white Lupin beans and the blue Lupin are successfully grown in The Netherlands for a number of years. The bean of the blue Lupin is smaller (compare with a pea) and has a tough rind. Therefore, these are being processed to flour that is used in bread, pastries and meat substitutes.
We want to make the white lupine bean popular because you can easely cook with these beans: the bean is larger and has a soft shell.
The Louis Bolk Institute examines and supervises the cultivation of Lupin in the Netherlands. A lot of information about Lupin cultivation you will find in this
teelthandleiding van het Louis Bolk Instituut.